Chevy Silverado Purple Your Profile Super Bowl

The assignment was to showcase Chevy’s dependable character on the biggest stage: the Super Bowl. We knew, however, that in order to move the needle, we needed more than a TV spot. We partnered with the American Cancer Society and developed a campaign called Purple Your Profile. The idea: change your social media profile picture to purple in support of World Cancer Day and Chevy will donate to the ACS (for every profile color change). The Super Bowl kicked things off, showing a heartfelt moment of simply being there for a loved one (i.e., dependability). The campaign was a hit by all metrics (fan acquisition, growth, engagement and most importantly, raising money for a good cause). Over 2MM people changed their profile on Twitter and Facebook, surpassing all expectations and expert projections.

National media coverage:

Here’s Why Your Facebook Friends Are Turning Purple (huffpost)

NCAA Strategy BRAND Video

How do you tackle the NCAA’s image problem? You change the debate. We knew we could never win the “twitter troll” debates. And certain members of the national press were determined to undermine the NCAA’s efforts. So we went directly to the people (and fans). We showed why the NCAA matters. And why TEAM matters. We set out to win the emotional battle by reminding people of the purity and purpose of team sports (which the NCAA protects).